Adolescent School Health and Nutrition Course
This self-paced course aims to guide the development, implementation, and monitoring of school-based health and nutrition programs to support adolescents in achieving their full potential.
This self-paced course aims to guide the development, implementation, and monitoring of school-based health and nutrition programs to support adolescents in achieving their full potential.
The Adolescent School Health and Nutrition: Interactive Decision Trees explores four processes along the continuum of preparation and implementation of school health and nutrition programming.
This learning resource provides an overview of approaches for sustaining the delivery of school health and nutrition services targeted to adolescents during periods of prolonged closures.
This module provides broad guidance aimed at supporting the development and implementation of monitoring mechanisms within school health and nutrition programs supported by World Bank lending.
This learning resource covers the reach and relevance of school health and nutrition programs for adolescents in low-resource settings.
This event is designed to showcase a suite of tools designed to guide program planners through some of the key questions that arise in program development and investment prioritization to support adolescents in achieving their full potential.
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