The Joint Learning Agenda: Enhanced Engagement of Civil Society in Health Financing
The GFF, the Global Fund, Gavi, UHC 2030, PMNCH and CSOs embarked on a new collaboration aiming to strengthen CSO knowledge and capacity in budget advocacy and accountability for health financing to reach universal health coverage. The first webinar of the series kicked off on November 20th and highlighted the list of support options available to CSOs. This unique partnership translates the Global Action Plan commitment into action and responds to the call from CSOs to align funding to improve health for all.
GFF Strategy 2021-2025:
Protecting, Promoting and Accelerating Health Gains for Women, Children and Adolescents
The new GFF Strategy lays out five strategic directions for the next phase of the GFF (2021–25). Two of them are particularly relevant in what knowledge, learning and capacity building are concerned: Strategic direction one: bolster country leadership and partner alignment behind prioritized investments in health for women, children and adolescents) and Strategic direction three: protect and promote high-quality, essential health services by reimagining service delivery.
We will be working hard over the coming years with you, to make sure our key stakeholders can develop required competences to achieve these goals in GFF countries.

Resource Mapping Expenditure Tracking for COVID-19 Response: A Design Checklist and Overview of Tools
In partnership with the World Health Organization, the Global Fund, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, and the World Bank, a new tracking tool was developed to help governments monitor availability and spending on health services for women, children and adolescents.

Resource Guide: Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health
This guide is a compilation of essential resources in maternal, newborn, and child health which can be used as reference materials to develop investment cases for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition.
New Micro-Learning Resource
On a continuous effort to bring more online learning resources available to GFF countries and partners, we have released a new Learning Nugget on Monitoring Continuity of Essential Health Services. This resource was built based on the inputs at the respective webinar in September 2020.
Open Learning Campus: GFF Learning Portal
The GFF’s learning and capacity-building resources will now be hosted on Open Learning Campus platform to support the operationalization of the GFF approach, including self-paced courses, online workshops and microlearning resources. This will be integrated later on the GFF K&L Portal.
For any questions, please email us at
BLOG: Responding to COVID-19 while Protecting Essential Services for Women, Children and Adolescents
Diverting funding from lifesaving services for women, children and adolescents can leave millions at risk of dying or enduring lifelong impacts. A new tool jointly developed by the GFF, the World Health Organization, the Global Fund, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, and the World Bank is helping policymakers and practitioners make informed health financing decisions during COVID-19.

In this month’s video on Countdown to #InvestInHealth, watch Marion Cros, Senior Economist, talk about mapping resources and tracking expenditure in health.

BLOG: The Role of the Service Delivery Learning Program and Stakeholder Engagement
Lawrence Mumbe reflects on strengthening the Liaison Officer role in the GFF.

If you would like to share lessons learned and be featured in the next newsflash, please contact us at
SDLP+ : Supporting the Implementation of Priority Changes
Following the learning activities organized in the framework of the Service Delivery Learning Program (SDLP), various countries have identified incentivizing and motivating community health workers as a priority in their change plans.
In order to support the implementation of the change plans, we convened nine countries to exchange on the issue of Community Resource Based Financing (priorities, actors, opportunities, limits). Country meetings will be organized that will address the specific needs identified. Other thematic deep dives will be proposed in the coming weeks for other priority changes.
For any questions, please email us at

Country Operations Lead: John Paul Clark
John Paul Clark joins the GFF Secretariat with 35 years of experience in public health research, policy and practice. John Paul joined the World Bank in 2006 to provide technical leadership on malaria. Subsequently he developed and led innovative multi-sector and cross-border efforts to reduce poverty and foster economic development through disease prevention, control and elimination projects, including the Regional Disease Surveillance Systems Enhancement Program (REDISSE) in West and Central Africa; a flagship program for health security and One Health. |
External Relations Lead:
Anita SharmaAnita Sharma joins the GFF Secretariat after 20 years of extensive partnership-building and managerial experience in the multilateral sectors and has convened and facilitated many events, training sessions and workshops with leaders from government, business, international organizations, civil society, young people and affected populations to initiate, accelerate and scale-up entrepreneurial solutions to tackle climate change and advance sustainable development. |
Results Monitoring Lead:
Peter HansenPeter Hansen joins GFF Secretariat from Results for Development (R4D), where he has co-led R4D’s health portfolio and served as director of the Health Systems Strengthening Accelerator. Peter also helped lead the generation and application of learning from R4D’s innovative programs in health and other sectors to inform new models of supporting countries to address complex systems issues. |
Annual Health Financing Forum: Health Financing Resilience During a Prolonged Pandemic
November 12- December 10, 2020 | Online
As COVID-19 continues to impact economies, it unleashes a protracted economic crisis andaffectshealth fin ancing sustainability. The second part of the forum explores how countries are dealing with their immediate and differing health financing concerns as they work to raise government revenue and ensure adequate spending on essential services. Related blog is available here. Register to join the forum.
From Double Burden to Double Duty: Policy and Programmatic Implications of Double Duty Actions to Address the Full Spectrum of Malnutrition
December 3-9, 2020 | By Invitation Only
The GFF, WHO and IFPRI are organizing a three-part virtual consultation which aims to:
- assess the policy implications of DDA and how they can be integrated into existing or new policies, while identifying key conditions and actions that underpin effective policy formulation;
- showcase how policy processes and effective entry points can stimulate adaptations to nutrition and other sectoral programs to incorporate DDA;
- build consensus on the principles and best practices for formulation and adaptation of policies and programs to support the integration of DDA
This technical consultation series will be introduced by a virtual policy seminar on the Lancet Series on the Double Burden of Malnutrition hosted by IFPRI.
Health Financing Alignment and Results Agendas
December 9, 2020 | 8:00-10:00 AM EST | Online
In partnership with the World Health Organization, the GFF will be presenting the concept of health financing results framework. The World Health Organization will lay out a model for better alignment of both technical and financial assistance around a health financing reform agenda.
Mitigating the Impacts of Covid-19 on CRVS Systems in Africa
December 10, 2020 | 3:30 – 5:00 PM EST | Online
The APAI- CRVS Secretariat at the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, the Centre of Excellence for CRVS Systems, and the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data is organizing a virtual learning series to share good practices for facilitating the continuous and universal registration of vital events in Africa. These innovative approaches are mitigating the impact of COVID-19 on the performance of civil registration systems and are supporting the generation of data for health surveillance during a health crisis. Technical briefs documenting these good practices can be found here. If you would like to join, register below.
Lives in the Balance: A COVID-19 Summit
December 11, 2020 | Online
PMNCH, CORE Group and UHC2030 will re-convene partners across the globe to take stock of how COVID-19 is impacting the progress towards Universal Health Coverage commitments and how to improve and invest in healthcare and social protection for women, children and adolescents.
Meeting with GFF Liaison Officer on K&L issues
January 21, 2021 | 8:00-10:00 AM EST | Online
More information will be provided closer to date.