General Resources

Explore some supportive resources curated for Nigeria, these will enhace your learning experience:

Introductory Resources

Case Studies

Integrated Governance Digital Toolbox   

Follow-up Webinar

Individual and Team Coaching

We all know that hearing ideas is one thing, but to put those ideas into practice is another. That is why the CLP provides support at two levels of implementation.

  1. Firstly, each individual participant can be supported by a coach from Hogan, one of the world’s top high-level leadership assessment and coaching organizations.
  2. Secondly, the team will be supported by a Management Partner from AMP Health, who will be embedded at the Ministry of Health to help develop the practices and systems that will enable the participants to further institutionalize a transformative leadership approach into the culture and structure of the organization.

Both organizations will help participants to identify the learning resources they need to walk the talk.

About Hogan

During the Hogan Assessments portion of the CLP, leaders will complete the Hogan personality assessments and gain insights about key strengths, areas for development, values, and vulnerabilities that have the potential to hinder their leadership effectiveness.

Each leader will have the opportunity to turn these insights into action by working with a coaching expert to drive both personal and organizational success.

The assessment feedback, development planning session, and coaching sessions will provide continuity across the CLP components by applying personal development to team challenges to maximize leaders’ success.

Coaching Features

  • Hogan Personality Assessment – Before the program starts, you will be able to complete the Hogan personality assessments.
  • Feedback Session – After completing the Hogan personality assessments online, each participant will receive an in-depth feedback session with an experienced coach to review their assessment results. The outcome will be the identification of key strengths, areas for development, values, and potential vulnerabilities that could hinder the participant’s leadership effectiveness.
  • Ongoing Coaching Sessions – Throughout the whole program participants will be able to meet with their individual coaches to discuss regularly how their personality results can facilitate or hinder specific challenges or actions identified during the program.

Leadergship Conversations

As the program unfolds, optional thematic workshops will be scheduled on a content demand basis to complement the program. Participation is not mandatory, but we highly recommended that you join to learn complementary leadership skills, approaches, concepts, and actionable tools that will enhance your leadership impact. These sessions are also open to participants from other CLP cohorts (in different countries).

Upcoming Sessions


  • July 19th, 2022 @ 13hs (GMT+1): Leadership Conversation with Amir Hagos “How to engage stakeholders to collaborate for health system change?”

Online Courses

Go to Ubiquity Online Courses.


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