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217 Results

Rating 0.00

Cost-Effectiveness of Health Systems Strengthening Interventions in Improving Maternal and Child Health in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review

This report reviewed the cost-effectiveness of key health systems strengthening intentions, which includes results-based financing (RBF), voucher schemes, health insurance, personnel training, community mobilization, etc., with a total of 24 articles included in the review. Specifically on RBF, this report identified three studies on cost-effectiveness of the RBF programs, and the results showed that RBF […]
Rating 0.00

Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Results-Based Financing Programs: A Toolkit

This toolkit aims to support country programs to assess the cost-effectiveness of RBF interventions and to facilitate cross-country comparisons of RBF programs. This is a companion tool to the Impact Evaluation Toolkit. It is important to note that this toolkit is not designed to replace valuable guidelines for the health sector as a whole. Rather, […]
Rating 0.00

Cost-effectiveness analysis of the decentralized facility financing and performance-based financing program in Nigeria

Nigeria piloted decentralized facility financing (DFF) and performance-based financing (PBF) programs under the Nigeria State Health Investment Project (NSHIP), funded by the World Bank. It aimed to increase the utilization and quality of MCH services. Although many low- and middle-income countries have launched or piloted DFF and/or PBF like programs and conducted impact evaluation, very […]
Rating 0.00

Demand-Side Financing for Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in Low and Middle-Income Countries

Demand-side financing approaches have been introduced in a number of low and middle-income countries, with a particular emphasis on sexual and reproductive health. This paper aims to bring together the global evidence on demand-side financing mechanisms, their impact on the delivery of sexual and reproductive health services, and the conditions under which they have been […]
Rating 0.00

A Bargain or a Burden? How Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) Program Design Affects the Women Who Participate in Them

Conditional cash transfers (CCT) play a central role in the anti-poverty strategies of low- and middle-income countries around the world, and at the center of these programs stand some of the world’s neediest women. Designed to improve the health and education of economically deprived children, break the intergenerational cycle of poverty, and alleviate immediate economic distress, […]
Rating 0.00

Zimbabwe's Urban Voucher Programme

In Zimbabwe, the City of Harare uses a demand-side voucher program to target the bottom 40 percent households for access to maternal and child health services. This urban component is part of Zimbabwe’s Results-Based Financing program and has already helped more than 2500 mothers gain access to health services that they would otherwise not be […]
Rating 0.00

When the Money Runs out: Do Cash Transfers Have Sustained Effects on Human Capital Accumulation?

This study examines the medium-term effects of a two-year cash transfer program targeted to adolescent girls and young women. Significant declines in HIV prevalence, teen pregnancy, and early marriage among recipients of unconditional cash transfers (UCTs) during the program evaporated quickly two years after the cessation of transfers. However, children born to UCT beneficiaries during […]