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39 Results

Rating 0.00

Capitation Combined with Pay-for-Performance Improves Antibiotic Prescribing Practices in Rural China

Pay-for-performance in health care holds promise as a policy lever to improve the quality and efficiency of care.  Although the approach has become increasingly popular in developing countries in recent years, most policy designs do not permit the rigorous evaluation of its impact. Thus, evidence of its effect is limited.   In collaboration with the government […]
Rating 0.00

New Way to Finance Health in World's Less Developed Nations: Results-Based Financing Can Get 20 Percent More Health Care With Same Funds

NEWS RELEASE OSLO, December 11, 2013 — Countries and major donors are changing the way they finance maternal and child, malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS health programs in low-income countries to increase their impact. The approach, called Results-Based Financing for Health, or RBF, pays providers or recipients of health services after pre-agreed results have been achieved and independently […]
Rating 0.00

Argentina's Plan Nacer: Provincial Maternal and Child Health Insurance - A Results-Based Financing Project at Work

This December 2009 issue of En Breve describes a results-based financing project in Argentina – Plan Nacer. Plan Nacer is a provincial social insurance program providing a free basic package of cost-effective services to women and children through participating healthcare providers. The project uses an incentive mechanism between the National Ministry of Health and the Provincial Governments, and between […]
Rating 0.00

Cost-effectiveness analysis of the decentralized facility financing and performance-based financing program in Nigeria

Nigeria piloted decentralized facility financing (DFF) and performance-based financing (PBF) programs under the Nigeria State Health Investment Project (NSHIP), funded by the World Bank. It aimed to increase the utilization and quality of MCH services. Although many low- and middle-income countries have launched or piloted DFF and/or PBF like programs and conducted impact evaluation, very […]
Rating 0.00

When the Money Runs out: Do Cash Transfers Have Sustained Effects on Human Capital Accumulation?

This study examines the medium-term effects of a two-year cash transfer program targeted to adolescent girls and young women. Significant declines in HIV prevalence, teen pregnancy, and early marriage among recipients of unconditional cash transfers (UCTs) during the program evaporated quickly two years after the cessation of transfers. However, children born to UCT beneficiaries during […]
Rating 0.00

Provider Payment in Community-Based Health Insurance Schemes in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review

Community-based health insurance (CBI) is a common mechanism to generate financial resources for health care in developing countries. We review for the first time provider payment methods used in CBI in developing countries and their impact on CBI performance. We conducted a systematic review of the literature on provider payment methods used by CBI in developing […]